Nicole Barnes | ICT Learning Specialist
Knox Gardens Primary School

Nicole Barnes, ICT Learning Specialist, Knox Gardens Primary School

Nicole has been a passionate teacher integrating ICT into her classroom and teaching since her teaching career began 21 years ago.  With a Master of Education in Educational Technology, this has shaped how to integrate STEM and digital technologies to support learning and teaching in her classroom and the classrooms of colleagues.  Nicole has developed both a BYO iPad program across the school and more recently and BYO Laptop program.  With a coaching role, Nicole supports teachers to develop best practise of teaching with digital technologies including iPads, teaching with and through Microsoft Office 365 and coding with Scratch, Minecraft, Blue-Bots and Spheros.  Students use technology for authentic and creative learning experiences, flattening classrooms walls to communicate and learn with students across the globe. As an educator, Nicole continually strives to discover how to transform learning through new technologies.


Day 1 @ 13:00

Transform Learning through Microsoft’s Flipgrid

last published: 16/Apr/20 00:36 GMT

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